The Center of Excellence Releases New August Education Events

Clinical Practice; Long Term Care; Quality; Programs and Resources

The Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health in Nursing Facilities (COE-NF) released new education events for the month of August, with many that offer Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and National Association of Long-Term Care Administrator Board credits.  

In addition to the resources and August education events listed below, the COE-NF continues to provide tailored technical assistance, such as an individualized plan to assist your facility with specific behavioral health needs – including training as needed.    

CEO-NF continues to add new on-demand training videos, which include bite-sized learnings and longer video modules with pre/post-tests on a variety of topics. It also offers a wide array of resources on a multitude of mental health topics via the resource hub.  

In addition to the events below, the COE-NF will hold two roundtable webinars with AMDA. These sessions are ideal for medical directors, primary care physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, and licensed nursing home administrators working in long term care facilities. ACCME credits will be offered for both sessions. 

August Upcoming Education Events: 

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