Step #1 for Improving Your 5-Star Score is Understanding How CMS Calculates Ratings

Programs and Resources
ahcancalED offers a comprehensive training for nursing facility administrators and nurse leaders, titled The Five-Star Quality Rating System. This education program reviews the methodology for the overall Five-Star Quality Rating System, along with each of the separate domains for health inspections, staffing, and quality measures. 
In December 2008, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) enhanced its Nursing Home Comparepublic reporting site to include a set of quality ratings for each nursing home that participates in Medicare or Medicaid. The ratings take the form of several “star” ratings for each nursing home. The goal of this rating system is to provide residents and their families with an easy way to understand assessment of nursing home quality and make meaningful distinctions between high and low performing nursing homes. 

Upon completion of this training program, learners will: 
  • Have a basic understanding of the Five-Star Quality Rating System and each of the three domains. 
  • Develop a working knowledge of the methodology for determining the overall Five-Star composite score. 
  • Understand the scoring methodology for each of the domains, including: 
    • The Health Inspection Rating, 
    • The Staffing Rating, and 
    • ​The Quality Measure Rating. 
The cost of the training program is $40 for AHCA members and $80 for non-members and comes with and comes with 1.5 NAB CEs and 1.5 contact hours through the Iowa Board of Nursing. Register here
Individuals will need to login to ahcancalED with their AHCA/NCAL usernames and passwords to register.  For assistance obtaining usernames and passwords, members should e-mail with their name and facility contact information. For questions regarding the Five-Star rating system, members should email