The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is closely monitoring COVID-19 vaccine safety through several robust monitoring systems. Long term care facilities play a key role in supporting the CDC and FDA’s approach to safety monitoring by reporting possible side effects.
The two key reporting systems for long term care staff and residents are:
- Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national vaccine safety monitoring system that collects, and reviews reports of possible side effects (adverse events) that occur after vaccination. Guidance on what types of events should be reported to VAERS is available here. Health care providers should report adverse events to VAERS even if they aren’t sure if the vaccine caused the adverse event.
- How to report: See the VAERS website for instructions on reporting.
- Who can report: Residents, caregivers, healthcare providers, nursing home staff, and vaccine manufacturers can submit a report of an adverse event following vaccination to VAERS.
- V-Safe uses text messaging and web surveys to allow vaccine recipients to tell the CDC how they feel after getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
- How to report: After receiving their vaccine, staff and residents will be provided a v-safe information sheet with instructions on how to enroll in v-safe.
- Who can report: Only people with access to a smartphone can participate in V-Safe. Staff may assist residents in enrolling but should not complete check-ins for residents. Staff can report any potential adverse events through VAERS.