Disaster preparedness has long been an important function in the operation of a long term care (LTC) facility. To better assist LTC providers with developing and maintaining emergency preparedness programs while managing compliance with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), AHCA has developed an emergency preparedness program self-assessment and resource tool called the
CMS Emergency Preparedness Regulations Crosswalk Tool. Please note that this resource is available for AHCA members and requires a log in to access.
This tool identifies each requirement applicable to long term care, provides key guidance from Appendix Z, and describes surveyor validation methods. It also includes a variety of useful web links that provide access to information and tools on everything from incident command to after-action reports.
This resource aims to be helpful in a time when the focus on disaster preparedness has increased. In 2016, CMS established national emergency preparedness requirements for participating providers. The final rule addressed various components of emergency preparedness, including plan development, content, preparation, training, and testing.
State Operations Manual - Appendix Z outlines the emergency preparedness requirements for 17 different provider types, including LTC facilities. It does not apply to most assisted living and independent living providers since they are generally state regulated and don’t participate in Medicare or Medicaid programs.
There are 44 individual requirements outlined in Appendix Z, with 24 of them specifically applicable to long term care. Each requirement is provided with an “E-tag” designation (e.g. E-001). Appendix Z outlines the requirements, applicability, guidance information, and surveyor procedures for assessing compliance. Needless to say, digesting and applying the 108-page document can be a daunting task for any provider, and that is why AHCA has developed this resource to assist providers
AHCA is always available to support members with emergency preparedness questions by emailing emergencyprep@ahca.org.