NHSN Announces Changes to COVID-19 Vaccination Summary


The National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) has announced new changes coming this fall to NHSN reporting for long term care facilities. Changes will be made to the Health Care Personnel COVID-19 Vaccination Cumulative Summary.   

Changes include: 

  • Current health care personnel categories will no longer be collected. New categories include: 
    • ​Employees on facility payroll 
    • ​​Licensed independent practitioners (physicians, nurse practitioners, etc.) 
    • Adult students/trainees and volunteers (non-employees aged 18+) 
    • Other contract personnel (contracted staff who do not fall into any other category) 
    • Question #3.2 (offered but declined) and question #3.3 (unknown COVID-19 vaccination status) will be required 
    • Question #4 COVID-19 Vaccine supply is now optional 
What you need to do now: 

  • ​Watch for the monthly reporting plan form and a table of instructions document which will be available this fall 
  • Develop or update data tracking mechanisms to collect weekly COVID-19 vaccination data on the new categories of health care personnel 
The CDC will be conducting training webinars this fall. In the meantime, email questions to NHSN@cdc.gov​ with the subject line “COVID-19 Vaccination Data Reporting.” AHCA/NCAL will provide future updates as more information is released.