Crucial Conversations - Dementia Care

Assisted Living

​​Demetia care is a priority for all long term care providers, including assisted living communities. With the growing number of Alzheimer's and dementia care diagnoses predicted by 2060, it is crucial to understand the value of and how to have conversations with residents and families about dementia, its progression, and how you are best able to help those who suffer from the disease.  

Dementia and cognitive impairment diagnoses can be frightening due to the number of unknowns for both residents and families. Having a plan in place on how to start the conversation is key to ensuring the best possible outcomes for the resident and their loved ones. ​

The National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL) has developed a comprehensive resource document to help providers navigate the challenges of these crucial conversations around dementia care. Crucial Conversations Dementia Care​ covers a variety of topics including how to start the conversation, alleviating fear, addressing complex topics, and coordination of care.​