We are kicking off the New Year strong with ongoing advocacy efforts. On January 3, members of the AHCA/NCAL Government Relations team joined thousands of people on Capitol Hill for Swear-In Day. The team visited the offices of the 75 newly elected members of Congress, introducing them to the Association and long term care. Each new member of Congress was given an invitation to tour a long term care facility/community in their district to learn about us and how we can work together to create solutions for the long term care community.
We are also ready for our 2025 Facility Tour campaign! As an off-cycle year, AHCA/NCAL’s goal is to host 125 tours. There is more work to be done, so it is vital we continue to engage with members of Congress at the ground level. Many of you have already reached out to AHCA/NCAL’s grassroots team to help coordinate visits. If you are interested in hosting a tour, we’re happy to help coordinate. Just reach out to
Heather Posthumus or
Matt Smyth. If you’ve never done a tour before, 2025 is a great year to start! Additional resources and more information on hosting a facility tour are available
Don’t forget to save the date for the 2025
Congressional Briefing, June 9-10.
NEW LOCATION: Capitol Hilton, 1001 16th St NW, Washington, DC. We look forward to seeing you there!