Completing the Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessment is complex and requires input from various staff, the residents, and their families. AHCA offers a comprehensive training program titled
Learning the Minimum Data Set – Training for the Interdisciplinary Team – a boot camp training for nursing facility team members who are involved in the resident assessment process.
The MDS assessment drives person-centered care plans, reimbursement, and quality measures, and is a key component of the survey process. Nursing facilities are responsible for ensuring that all staff who participate in the assessment process have the requisite knowledge to complete an accurate MDS assessment. This training helps prepare the entire interdisciplinary team improve MDS accuracy and efficiently utilize Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) manual guidance.
This program can be incorporated into facility orientation programs, used for performance improvement, or continuing education. Upon successful completion of the entire program, participants will:
- Understand the role of the RAI in nursing homes,
- Explain the process for completing the MDS, and
- Complete an MDS assessment.
This training will be updated periodically to incorporate annual and intermittent changes to the RAI Manual so that learners will have the most current guidance.
2 Purchase Options:
- Individual Registration (13.25 Iowa Board of Nursing contact hours/13.25 NAB CEs):
AHCA Member: $349 Non-Member $549 - First Year Unlimited Use Facility Subscription (No CEs)
AHCA Member Only: $399 (Optional Unlimited Facility Use Annual Subscription Renewal
AHCA Member Only: $99 after first year subscription)
Members will need to login with their AHCA/NCAL usernames and passwords to
register or subscribe. For assistance obtaining usernames and passwords, members should e-mail with their name and facility contact information.
The MDS Guidebook
The Learning the Minimum Data Set: Basic Training for the Interdisciplinary Team Program Guidebook is a comprehensive resource designed to accompany this MDS training. Purchasing the optional guidebook saves time and reduces costs related to printing 500+ pages and organizing the materials. The Guidebook provides valuable insights to better understand, document, and apply key concepts for a more efficient and effective resident assessment process. The guidebook is available for separate purchase at for $75.