HHS Releases Updated PRF Reporting Requirements COVID-19; Provider Relief Fund Published:June 11, 2021 covid19@ahca.org Rollup Image Page ContentThe U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released updated reporting requirements for recipients of Provider Relief Fund (PRF) payments. With this announcement, HHS expands the amount of time providers will have to report information, aims to reduce burdens on smaller providers, and extends key deadlines for expending PRF payments for recipients who received payments after June 30, 2020. Some key updates include:The period of availability of funds is based on the date the payment is received (rather than requiring all payments be used by June 30, 2021, regardless of when they were received).Recipients are required to report for each Payment Received Period in which they received one or more payments exceeding, in the aggregate, $10,000 (rather than $10,000 cumulatively across all PRF payments).Recipients will have a 90-day period to complete reporting (rather than a 30-day reporting period).The PRF Reporting Portal will open for providers to start submitting information on July 1, 2021.Summary of Reporting Requirements Related Blogs Updates on Vaccine Effectiveness 3.10.2025 Now Available: ICD-10-CM Code Update Files 2.20.2025 CDC Updates 2025 Immunization Schedule With New Recommendations for Older Adults 1.21.2025