Continued Advocacy through Facility/Community Tours


This year, AHCA/NCAL has been laser-focused on defeating the minimum staffing rule. In June, we had more than 600 AHCA/NCAL members come to DC for Congressional Briefing and visit more than 275 Congressional offices advocating against the minimum staffing rule. 

We want to lean into this advocacy momentum and continue the fight through facility and community tours. These tours are critical in educating Congress on the vital role we play in providing quality care to our residents and, especially this year, communicating the workforce challenges our industry faces. 

AHCA/NCAL has set an exciting goal of 150 facility/community tours across the country for 2024. For the second year in a row, AHCA/NCAL is issuing a friendly competition between our state affiliates. The challenge: which state can get the highest percentage of their delegation to tour a facility or community in 2024? 

There are two categories: states with 11 or fewer Members of Congress and states with 12 or more Members of Congress. Tours must be completed between January 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024. Tours will be counted for each Member of Congress or his/her staffer who visits a facility or community, so it will be one tour per MOC (multiple visits by the same MOC/staffer will not be counted). 

If you have any questions about facility/community tours or are interested in participating, our team would be more than happy to help coordinate the visit with you. Please contact Matt Smyth or Heather Posthumus​