CMS Announces Nursing Home Staffing Campaign Financial Incentives

CMS; Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released details about financial incentives as part of its recently announced Nursing Home Staffing Campaign. CMS issued a notice of funding opportunity (NOFO), which provides detailed information on becoming a Financial Incentive Administrator (FIA) and how the program aims to support nursing homes in areas with high labor shortages, specifically focused on Registered Nurses (RNs). 

While the funding is not available yet, organizations that become an FIA will provide funds to RNs to work in a qualifying nursing home or at a state agency for three years. CMS states RNs will be able to receive up to $40,000 for student loan debt and/or a $10,000 stipend in return for working three years in a qualifying nursing home.  

Nursing homes, nursing home chains, and nursing home associations are not eligible to become an FIA. However, nursing homes that meet CMS labor shortage criteria will be shared with FIAs and potentially have an opportunity to receive RNs through the program. The NOFO does not specify how CMS will determine qualifying nursing homes but does share the estimated number of qualifying nursing homes in high labor shortage areas in each state.  

More information on the qualifications to become an FIA and specific program operations is available on the grants website. AHCA/NCAL will continue to monitor future developments regarding the CMS Nursing Home Staffing Campaign and funding availability – and will advocate for meaningful support to nursing homes. Please contact the AHCA regulatory team with any questions.​​