The CDC is actively monitoring vaccine safety, and two of their key monitoring systems are the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and V-Safe. Staff in long term care facilities are asked to report any concerning side effects in residents through VAERS, while V-Safe is for individuals who receive the vaccine (residents and staff) to self-report their health and any side effects after vaccination via a smartphone app.
The CDC has released new videos to educate staff and residents on both systems. It is strongly encouraged that facilities review these resources and familiarize themselves with these reporting systems:
Vaccine Safety Monitoring for Long-Term Care Facility and Staff: VAERS – Certified nursing assistants and other caregivers in a long term care facility can learn more about VAERS through this video. Learn what VAERS does and how you can help medical staff report any concerning side effects in residents following COVID-19 vaccination. Learn about common side effects after COVID-19 vaccination and what you need to report to VAERS.
Vaccine Safety Monitoring for Long-Term Care Facility Staff and Caregivers: V-safe – This video is for certified nursing assistants and other caregivers in a long term care facility. Learn how to register and get started with V-safe, the CDC’s after-vaccination health checker. Use your smartphone to tell the CDC about any side effects after getting the COVID-19 vaccine. You’ll also get reminders if you need a second vaccine dose.