Back in September 2020, CMS clarified that providers could utilize actual emergencies resulting in the activation of their emergency plan to offset the need for an annual full scale, community-based exercise. The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency that providers have been responding to and recovering from since March 2020 qualifies as such an emergency.
CMS indicates that to meet Emergency Preparedness requirements, providers must be able to demonstrate their experience activating their emergency plans through written documentation. This is most commonly accomplished through an After-Action Report (AAR) and Improvement Plan. AHCA/NCAL has developed a COVID-19 AAR Template that members can utilize to document their response and recovery efforts during the pandemic. The template is developed in a nationally recognized format and simplifies the documentation process. It is fully editable.
Come your next survey, be prepared to provide a completed AAR and identify any revisions to the organization’s emergency plan as a result of the after-action review process.