Announcing AHCA’s Ultimate Resource for Successful Nursing Home Administration

Programs and Resources; Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)

AHCA offers a multi-faceted training and resource program for nursing facility administrators, Administrators in Training (AITs), Directors of Nursing (DONs), and clinical and operations leaders titled Nursing Home Administration: Beyond the Essentials. This comprehensive package dives into the major components required for successful nursing facility management through training videos, action briefs, guides, and checklists. Providers will gain valuable “how to and why” knowledge from this robust program that delivers solutions for the common challenges operators and clinicians face daily.   

The series reviews key topic areas affecting successful nursing facility operations including financial, clinical, regulatory, and leadership. Under each of these overarching topics, are detailed webinars and resources that review: 

  • Payers and cost reporting 
  • Revenue cycle management 
  • PDPM 
  • PBJ 
  • CMS 5-star quality measures 
  • The history of long term care regulations 
  • How statutes, regulations, and guidance differ 
  • Leadership and team building 
  • ​Survey preparation  
  • Post-survey actions, including QAPI and writing plans of correction 

The Nursing Home Administration Course builds upon the training and education administrators received in their Administrator in Training programs and clarifies the rationale behind the actions nursing facility administrators should take to effectively manage their facilities. DONs and clinical leaders can benefit from the training and advice offered on topics such as MDS/RAI, falls, pressure injuries, accidents, maintaining function, and facility assessments.    

A full list of the 110+ videos, guides, and tools can be found here. The cost of the program is $450 for members and $650 for non-members. Group registration discounts are available. 

The full course is approved for 21.50 NAB CEs for administrators and 21.50 contact hours for nurses through the Iowa Board of Nursing upon reviewing all the videos and completing a final exam. However, any of the 110+ resources in this program can be used a-la-carte without CEs allowing users to choose any resource as needed.   

Individuals will need to login to ahcancalED with their AHCA/NCAL usernames and passwords to register. For assistance obtaining usernames and passwords or group member discounts, members should e-mail with their name and facility contact information. For questions regarding course content, please email  ​